After just 4 hands of hand-for-hand play, the bubble has burst in the Playground 200. David Perceval is the unfortunate bubble player, and he was particularly unhappy because he made an error in the hand and was surprised that he was all-in on the river at all, let alone all-in, covered, and behind.
While all of this was going on, a few players had noted that on Table 31 in Seat 6, Andrew Molotchko was very short-stacked – he had about one bb left – and had just about 3 hands left until he would have been forced all-in.
Meanwhile on Table 32, play got down to the river on a board reading
. Nebil Bensalem bet 30K from the sb using one of the new blue 25K chips and one red 5K chip. When action returned to David, he either didn’t realize the value of the blue 25K chip or hadn’t noticed it at all, and he threw in two red 5K chips while simultaneously saying, “call” – and Nebil tabled his hand. David protested that he thought he was only calling 10K so there was a short delay before the showdown. However. the floor manager was already at the table, and once the dealer clearly explained exactly what had happened, it was clear that David was in fact committed for his entire 30K stack (not just the 10K he had thrown in the middle) and that it was time for the showdown.
Nebil re-tabled his
for a flopped set and rivered full house, while David tried to muck his hand, only to have the
tabled – all hands must be tabled in an all-in hand. David sat at his seat in seeming shock for a few minutes after the hand, while at the tournament desk, staff congratulated the rest of the field on being in the money over the PA system.
Andrew Molotchko cashed in 84th place for $340.