During level 6 action, Sylvain Berthelette pushed the pace to win a pot. Joseph Sabbah, Verne Golden, Adam Hussen, Derek Thibault and Sylvain all limped in, preflop, with bets of 600. But when the first three community cards came down,
, Sylvain wagered 1000. Adam, Derek and Joseph all mucked, but Verne immediately called.
The dealer flipped the turn and Sylvain pushed harder with a bet of 3,300. Verne pondered for a moment before he called. When the river was revealed
, Sylvain wagered 8,000. Verne hemmed and hawed as he counted his chips. In the end, he shook his head, and returned his cards to the dealer.
Sylvain nodded, and letting Verne know he made the right decision, he showed his
, revealing his flush to the table.