Event 3 re-started with 33 players but played down very quickly to 27 players and the full redraw – and then in the time we were preparing that, 6 more players were eliminated. In any case, here is the current seating arrangement in the event. Note that when it gets to 18 players, a table will break and we’ll bring you the final two tables at that time. The next full redraw is at 10 players remaining.
Table 36
- Andre Pelletier
- Haralambos Margaritis
- Frank Truong
- Rami Hammoud
- Michael Korovine
- Andonios Papageorgiou
- Jeremy Galin
Table 39
- Alec Brandstatter
- Susan Wiley
- Benoit Pesant
- Richard Caron
- Santos Ciulla
- Norman Messier
- Roger Thibault
Table 40
- Andrew Boujaoude
- Fabrice Levi
- Felix Bigras
- Nicolas Martel
- Shane St John
- Bryce Potter
- Tomas Larivee Magni