Event 6, the $100 + $20 + $100 NL Hold’em 50/50 Bounty, has just come to a close. It has been quite a ride, as 347 players showed up for the Event. All night, players were throwing their Bounty chip forward whenever they went all-in, as it adds a little bit more flair to the move. This could partly be why Bounty formats are so popular; the chip itself is used as a weapon. Some players accumulated quite a few of those, and enjoyed showing them.
Moving towards the final table, Karam was always a force to be reckoned with, playing the aggressive card very wisely. It wasn’t long before everybody knew that he could make a call at any moment, so his opponents were reluctant to move in when he still had cards. It is in that fashion that he literally ran over the final table, grabbing everything he could, losing the occasional confrontation. But as the blinds were getting more and more violent, it only took him 1 or 2 steals to make up for what he had lost in a showdown. 1 step back, 4 steps forward, repeat, for the win.
The heads-up match only lasted a few hands, as Basavakoti Bonthu was crushed in chips when they started it. In the final hand, Basavakoti raised all-in from the button with
. Karam was not going to let his blind go, as he covered him many times. He made the call, for 2 more big blinds, with
. The flop paired him, but gave Basavakoti an open-ended straight draw. No help was coming though, and Karam Saleh put his hand on the much deserved Champion’s Trophy.
Congratulations both!
Event 6 Champion: Karam Saleh – $7,359.00
Runner-up: Basavakoti Bonthu – $5,250.00

Last hand of play: