Here is a glimpse of some of the action, late in Day 1a. When we got to table 65, the board showed , Gennadiy Kostrov had placed a pot-size bet of about 15K, Jonathan Abdellatif had gons all-in for 22,900, and Allan Kessler was in the tank. He thought for quite a while, and then elected to fold. Gennadiy called, and opened . Jonathan tabled the leading , and Allan started gesticulating, letting people know that he had the winner, but couldn’t commit to a 3-way pot with it. Sometimes, there is a fine line between calling and folding, but a lot of chips could be hanging out on that line. Tough spot for Kessler, while Jonathan doubles up.
On table 61, we have seen Steven Joudry at risk a few time in the last 2 levels, but his all-in was never called. This time, Danny Boyaci was waiting for him with . Joudry had put himself all-in on top of Boyaci’s preflop raise with , and looked resigned as he observed the board. Danny chips up to about 130K.