The Tag Team event is now underway as players have bought their team tickets and taken their seats at the individual tables they will start at. Evidently not everyone got the message (posted to Facebook) to arrive early, as there is still a long lineup of people buying in to the event – but they’ll all be seated with full stacks soon enough, and alternates will also start to be seated shortly.
A note about the tournament info we’ll post today. Before the teams come together after level 6, the “Entries” will be individual players – for the number of teams in the event, divide by 2. It’s possible for one player to bust while the other plays his own stack for the first 6 levels – in such a case when the team is merged, they’ll start with the chips remaining from the one player who survived the first 6 levels. If both players are eliminated in the first 6 levels, then the team is eliminated altogether! It’s rare, but it does happen.