Felix Sides has been eliminated in 5th place after a 2 back-to-back hands played against Philipp Daze. In the first hand, Philipp raised to 80K and Felix 3-bet from the small blind to 230K. Philipp called and the flop was laid out:
On the flop, Felix opened to 205K and Philipp quickly raised all-in. Felix folded surprisingly quickly, flashing a pair of tens, while Philipp reciprocated by flashing pocket 5s for a flopped set.
In the very next hand Phillip raised to 80K once again and this time Felix went all-in for his last 230K in chips. Philipp called and they showed down their hands.
The community cards –
– had nothing for Felix and he hit the rail in 5th place.
5th place: Felix Sides, $3,600