Rong Xu opened the betting under the gun with a shove of his last 140K, and Felix Sides went all-in over for about 360K total. Action folded to Sean Windover – the chip leader to this point – who went all-in himself. It folded back around through the blinds and the cards were turned over.
The flop was marginally positive for Rong but Felix’s Queens looked pretty good as
were dealt. And the turn and river of
meant Felix added over 500K to his stack and is the clear chip leader with 7 players left. Rong Xu was eliminated and Sean’s stack was severely depleted.
Just a couple of hand later Louis-Dominic Asselin was eliminated in 8th position.
9th place: Rong Xu, $1,000
8th place: Louis-Dominic Asselin, $1,200