Felix Sides, who was the chip leader at the start of the hand, opened from middle position to 55,000, and went heads-up with Philipp Daze, who made the call from the button.
On a flop showing
, Felix continuation-bet 60,000, and called off the raise by Philipp to 160,000 total. The turn brought the
, and Felix checked the action over to Philipp, who moved all-in for 347,000. Felix made a quick call, and they tabled their hands. Both players had a pair and a flush draw, but Felix had the slight edge as he held the highest pair at the time.
The river completed the heart-flush for Philipp, who scooped the massive pot and took over the chip lead of the tournament.
This was the last hand before the break, and we will bring an update on the chip counts momentarily.
- Felix Sides
- Philipp Daze