Chanracy Khun has been in the middle-to-back of the pack in terms of his stack size for most of the day, but he just completed a full double up through David Sorgente to move him much closer to the chip average with 16 players left in the tournament.
Preflop, Chanracy opened from the button to around 55K and David made the call from the big blind. The flop was dealt:
David was first to act, and he checked it to Chanracy, who opened to 60K. David then raised to 150K, and after 15-20 seconds of thinking about it, Chanracy re-raised all-in to 466K. Now it was David’s turn to think, and he thought about it a lot more than Chanracy had. Finally he made the call and the two hands were tabled.
Chanracy was a 9-1 favourite, and the remaining community cards
did nothing for David and Chan made the pure double. He now sits at around 1.1M in chips.