Kevin MacDonald has been quite active on this final table, however most of the times that he put chips into the pot, they never came back… until this last hand that is! He opened to 125,000 from the hijack and went heads-up to the flop with Robert Johnson, who was sitting on the button.
With the board showing
, he fired a continuation-bet of 105,000, and was faced with a raise to 305,000. He opted for the 3bet shove, and pushed his 925,000 stack into the middle. Robert made the call, and the players tabled their hands.
Kevin’s flopped set would have most hands drawing very slim on this board, however Robert had 9 outs to catch the nut flush. The running cards were the and the
, and Kevin’s set held on to double him up to over 2 million. Robert still holds a little more than a million after the hand, but now finds himself on the short end of the leaderboard.