Pierre Hubert Maltais opened preflop from middle position to 325K, and was followed by Eddie Bangash on the button, and Robert Amireault from the big blind. The dealer rang out a
flop, and Pierre Hubert fired 550K after Robert knocked the table. Eddie made the call, and Robert threw his cards away. When the turn brought the
, Pierre Hubert opted for a check. Eddie then slid in a bet of 930K, to which Pierre Hubert responded with an all-in for roughly 2.5M. Eddie couldn’t get his chips in fast enough, tabling
for the nut straight. Pierre Hubert turned over
, a hand that was drawing dead at that point. The river was a meaningless
, and Eddie added over 3.5M new chips to his stack, increasing it to over 10 million!
7th place: Pierre Hubert Maltais, $4,400