It’s pretty uncontroversial to say that Elie Abdallah has been the most active player at the table all night, and has pushed all the edges he could to gather and try to hold on to a ton of chips – but variance and the normal outcome of normal poker hands finally caught up with him and he has been eliminated in 4th place.
The hand that did the most damage recently was played against Cristian, and after a small raising war, both were all-in pre.
The community cards had nothing in them for Elie (
) and he shipped 90% of his stack to Cristian, leaving him with just over 350K.
On the following hand, Elie was in the bb and Gary Lucci raised to 200K. Action came back to Elie and he chose to simply flat call. The flop was dealt:
and Elie had little choice but to shove his final 165K. Gary called.
So far Gary had the lead and the and
on the turn and river sealed the deal.
4th place: Elie Abdallah, $5,930