Sixteen places are to be paid today with 15th having a min-cash for $350. Players talked about doing a bubble deal, and it was suggested that $250 be removed from 1st place and $60 from 2nd place in order to pay the bubble $310. Playground allows the players to make a deal but does not get involved in the negotiations what so ever. There is however an important rule in place: should any player not want to participate in a deal, then the game plays on, with no more discussion. As it turned out, one player did not accept the terms of a deal, and the cards were back in the air.
Since the bubble has burst, here is a list of players who made it into the money that have no busted out:
- Eddie Daldalian 14th place $350
- Garrett West 15th place $350
The player who busted on the bubble was Joel Godin.