The bubble has just burst in Event 2, and the following 15 players are now in the money! Congratulations!
Table 54
Seat 1. Jonathan Langlois Lorenztti
Seat 2. V. L.
Seat 3. Daniel Schreiber
Seat 4. Alexandre Fortin
Seat 5. Stephen Herscovitch
Seat 6. Alex Fortin Demers
Seat 7. Devon Morgan
Seat 8. Joashua Bruekner
Seat 9.
Seat 10.
Table 57
Seat 1. Jonathan Rivest
Seat 2. Vipul Grover
Seat 3. Michael Aflalo
Seat 4. Petros Skalliou
Seat 5.
Seat 6. Christopher B
Seat 7. Scott Shelvock
Seat 8.
Seat 9.
Seat 10. Daniel Kwon