We just witnessed a huge flip happen between Randy Khalil and Senthuran Vijayaratnam which shifted the balance of the chip lead.
Randy opened to 300,000 from middle position, and was 3bet to 900,000 by Senthuran from the button. Randy took his shades off, peaked at Senthuran’s stack, which was of 2,715,000, and then announced the all-in. Senthuran threw in some calling chips, and it was flip for over 5.5 million chips!
Randy made 2 pairs on the flop, but Senthuran caught up on the turn, making a straight on the board to win the huge pot, and take over the chip lead, leaving Randy with around 3,700,000.
Shortly after, in a battle of the blinds, and with a board showing , Richard Fiegiel was all-in and called by Randy.
The turn and river ( ) changed nothing, and Richard doubled the 955,000 he had behind on the flop, reducing Randy’s stack to around 2,300,000, which is still slightly above average.