A few quick eliminations in succession have brought Event 5 to 14 players remaining – the bubble! Play is now hand for hand on the two remaining tables.
Recent eliminations: Ben Menache, Shaun Bowring, Patrick Braga, Philip Richard Elliot.
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A few quick eliminations in succession have brought Event 5 to 14 players remaining – the bubble! Play is now hand for hand on the two remaining tables.
Recent eliminations: Ben Menache, Shaun Bowring, Patrick Braga, Philip Richard Elliot.
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There are 18 players remaining in Event 5 and during the break we got full chip counts for the players remaining in the tournament. Remember that the tournament pays 13 players, so effectively the tournament has reached the bubble phase of the event.
Table 62
Table 66
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Event 5 has just lost the the player in 21st place, so the tournament is now down to two tables. There will be a redraw at 10 players remaining (final table).
Since starting this post we have also lost the player in 20th place, Rube Goldberg, so the tournament is down to 19 players.
Here are the players remaining:
Table 62
Table 66
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Here are the current top five stacks as level 13 begins.
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The players in Event 5 are taking their second break of the day while tournament staff removes the green T25 chips from play. There are 68 players remaining in the event on 7 tables, and three players have built up stacks that move them to the front of the pack.
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Event 5 of the Playground Poker Spring Classic presented by partypoker.net is a $500 + $50 NL Hold’em Freeze tournament. The tournament began on April 28, 2015 at 11am and is a one-day event. There were a total of 124 players in the event, which adds up to a prize pool of $60,140.00. This will be distributed according to the following table.
[eztable width=”40%” tablesorter=”0″ colalign=”center|center”]
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The first leaderboard of the event is pretty short – just one player has managed to build up a stack that clearly puts him in the lead in the tournament. In addition there are several players in the 38K to 46K range, which will give these players a good platform to build as the tournament continues.
Players will be back from their first break of the day in just 2 minutes and at that time we’ll have an update of the final registration number and shortly thereafter we’ll publish the prize pool.
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Here are some photos taken early in Event 5, the $500 + $50 NL Hold’em Freeze that’s on now. There are now 107 players in the event with new players continuing to join the action all the time. Registration is available for another hour, so there’s still time to join the event!
Photos taken during levels 2-3
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Players are joining Event 5 at an even faster rate than anticipated – since the last update, 30 more people have already jumped in, and level 2 in the tournament has just begun.
We’ll shoot a round of photos shortly, but there are some notable players in the field such as hockey legend Guy Carbonneau as well as local poker notables like Philippe Plouffe, Patrick Braga, and Marco Caza.