Preflop, Dhaliwal Ravinder limped into the hand, betting 4,000. Macradij Yacoubian immediately raised to 33,000. Dhaliwal wasted no time, pushed all of his 114,000 chips into the pot. This gave Macradij pause for thought. He looked across the table at Dwawal, and then peeked at his cards. He counted out some chips, and then looked at his cards again. In the end, he tossed in his hand.
Shaking his head, he spoke to Dhaliwal, “I’m folding because you limped in.”
Dhaliwal smiled, “You might have beat me.”
Macradij: “I raised you, and then you go all in.” As an after-thought, he added. “I was holding a pair.”
Dhaliwal shrugged, and raked in his winnings.