We joined the action at table 64 late in the hand, with a board of
showing, two players in the hand, and already more than 60,000 in the pot. Alex Demers was on the button in seat 2, Brian Altman in seat 9.
Two checks led to an being dealt on the river, and Brian led with a bet of 25,000. He looked on dispassionately, seemingly without a care in the world. It was another picture on the other side of the table, with Alex appearing to be under a great deal of stress and unsure of what to do. After almost five minutes of mental effort, Demers decided to fold the hand.
It is unclear what either player had, but with any number of straight and flush possibilities showing, it was too much of a gamble for Alex to risk his tournament life on it. This was not the hill to die on, and Alex will live to fight another day!