At table 19, a recent hand started as a three-way battle between Bradley Smith, Edward Arnold and Schahin Ghiai. As we approached the table the board showed
7d, with Schahin utg.
Schahin checked, and Bradley bet 12,000, called by both Edward and Schahin. The turn was a .
Schahin checked again, and Bradley led out with a bet of 4,200. Edward casually tossed in a high denomination chip, indicating his call. Both players were raised by Schahin, as he made it 11,000 to go. This check-raise was too rich for Bradley’s blood, so when Edward called it was a showdown.
The river was dealt a , after which Schahin shoved all in utg for 35,000. This set up a long period of contemplation for Edward, in which he almost folded, then put his cards down, then stood up, then sat down, then talked out the hand to himself. In the end, he convinced himself that his opponent could only have two pair, Queens and 4s. Unfortunately for him, he was wrong.
Schahin had made his straight, and Edward lost half of his stack, frustrated with himself for taking the risk.