The players took a break following level 32 and as the action was paused, Ema Zajmovic had the chip lead with just over 16M in chips (80bb), Patrick Serda was in 2nd with 12.6M (63bb), and Sorel Mizzi was the short stack with just 3.15M (16bb).
When the break was over, in the first hand back to start level 33, Sorel was on the button and opened by going all in and Patrick quickly went all in over the top to isolate. This was successful and Ema got out of the way, and the hole cards were revealed:
Only the very optimistic could see much in the flop for Sorel:
although he did hold the only diamond in play. The turn
ruined any runner-runner possibilities, though, and the river
sealed his fate – Sorel was out in 3rd place.
Tournament staff is now setting up the table for heads up action between Ema and Patrick.
3rd place: Sorel Mizzi, $410,000