Ema Zajmovic has taken the chip lead in the Main Event after winning a huge pot against one of the other big stacks at the table, Upeshka De Silva. Ema opened the action from the button with a raise to 200K and Pesh called from the bb.
The flop was huge for Upeshka:
. He checked his two pairs and Ema checked back on the miss. The turn was dealt:
and Upeshka decided to lead out for 420K. Ema called now that she had some equity, and the river card then flipped the script on the hand:
– Ema now had trip Queens!
Upeshka again led out for 225K, but this time Ema raised to 800K. And the betting round was not yet complete. Upeskha laid out a time chip to take a little longer to consider his options… and raised to 2.325M! Ema didn’t have to think long – she made the call and gave Upeshka the bad news. Ema has now built up her stack to just under 10M and taken over the chip lead.