More and more players a filling the seats, with more than 230 entries so far. It promises to be a huge day at the tables, although we remain in the early goings. That said, every great journey starts with a single step, and so must poker players build their winning stacks slowly over time.
On table 27 we witnessed just that sort of play, with Nikola Isaev and Benjamin Diebold tangling over a tiny pot. Oddly enough, when the cards were eventually flipped at the end of the hand, it looked like both players were slow-playing each other, trying to trap with relatively big hands.
Nikola opened with a small raise of 400 preflop, chasing everyone from the table except the big blind. Benjamin (in the bb) made the call.
It was checked to the turn, which was dealt a . Both players checked again, seeing the river, a . Both players checked again, and showed their cards.
Nikola flipped over a pair of jacks (he had made a set on the flop), and Benjamin flipped over a Q010, having made a straight on the turn. Why did no one bet? It shall remain a mystery!