Over the last 20 minutes action has been non-stop and players have been dropping like flies. In an unbelievable turn of events, our chip leader from the last break is now out, however, we missed the action on his table. Costa Psallidas is also now out. Patrick Boisvert is chipping up, so is Shawn S., both seated on table 31.
With Shawn in the small and Costa in the big, Martin Boies raised it up and had a call from Boisvert. Both Shawn and Costa got out of the way in the blinds.
and Martin checked. Boisvert fired 75k and Boies tank-called. The turn brought the
and action went check-check. When the
hit the river again it went check-check.
Martin opened a pair of pocket 8’s and Patrick had pocket Ten’s and increased his stack one more time.