Traditionally on the final day of an event such as Power Weekend, after having worked a long week, many of the dealers who aren’t scheduled to work on the last day of the event like to join the action. At the moment, Anthony Liakopoulos-Allyene is trying his best to represent the dealer pool.
Action was opened UTG with a min-raise, and Anthony bumped it up on the button to 20k. Both blinds got out of the way and Yahya Moussawi, already having put in 3,200, made the call.
The flop came
and Moussawi checked. Anthony then insta-shoved his stack, Moussawi smiled and folded, asking if Anthony would show 1 card. He replied “I can’t show, it’s not a cash game”…and then showed that he was holding the rockets (AA). Moussawi then said I had snowmen (88). Anthony then went on to win a few more hands and his stack keeps growing.
We have to give an honorable mention to Martin Adams in seat 3. Martin is enjoying the game and keeps trying to get involved in a pot and hopefully win a hand. He had his chance when he opened UTG to 4k, but sadly enough, there were no callers. He never showed his cards but he did look up with a smile and said “yay, I won a hand, maybe I will now make it into the blog!”.
Martin, and there you go, you have now made it into the blog.