As we near the end of today’s flight, the blinds are going up, players are getting to know each other, the volume of conversations is increasing, and the busts are starting to come fast and furious. As we were covering another table, we couldn’t help notice all the jokes and laughter coming from table 100, so we approached and took a look.
What we witnessed was a battle between Rong Xu and Daniel Dubeau that took place over the course of two hands. When we first arrived the flop had already been dealt
. Rong checked, Daniel raised him 6,800, then Rong came in over the top with a shove for almost 16,000. Daniel wasn’t willing to see Rong’s cards for an additional 10,000, so he folded and Rong collected all the chips.
The very next hand was another battle between the same two players. Preflop Rong raised it to 2,600, which was then re-raised by Daniel to 8,800. Again Rong shoved, but this time for 40,500, the stack he had just built pushing Daniel around in the last hand.
But although it may have been the right move, it was the wrong time, as Daniel called and flipped over his
Rong had the
, and was busted when the board came down