Although the WPT500 Day 1B has only been running for a little more than three hours, table 79 has witnessed more busts than any other so far tonight. Of the 26 busts that have occurred, 4 happened at table 79. An even more interesting fact? All the players that busted were sitting in the same seat!
Carlo Nini (seat 2) took out the table 79’s latest victim, Jose De La Cruz (seat 1) in the following manner:
With the average chip stack at 37,000 and the blinds at 200/400, Jose opened the action with a raise to 1000. There were three calls.
Jose raised to 1000, and we re-raised by Carlo to 7700. The other two players at the table folded, but Jose decided to call. The turn came down a .
Jose was utg and checked, and Carlo raised to 7,000. Jose, looking at his stack and realizing he was more or less pot-committed, went all in. Carlo called him, showing a flush with his
. Jose flipped over his Queen Ten with no clubs, and was drawing dead. Seat number 1 claimed another victim!
The question was, will the next player be able to turn the luck of seat 1 around? We didn’t have to wait long for an answer.
Fabio Luongo – brother of famed NHL goalie Roberto – sat down next, playing his first hand of the night. He ended up in a battle against Carlo as well, and threw caution to the win by going all in on his first hand!
When we joined the action, Fabio was holding two clubs, and needed a club on the river to beat Carlo’s three Queens. Instantly reversing the curse, he spiked a flush on the river, and doubled up. Fabio is now sitting on a comfortable 60,000 in chips after one hand of play, and there is plenty more action to come.