The expression on Giuseppe Niro’s face says it all. He’s a happy camper, and with good reason!
As the registration period draws to a close, Giuseppe had the good fortune to bust one of his competitors, further increasing he stack. But at the point when both he and his opponent initially flipped their cards after the all in, the result was far from assured – despite the fact that Giuseppe’s Kings dominated his opponent’s Jack Queen off-suit.
When we joined the action, Giuseppe and Nadir Lalji were just squaring up to each other preflop. Nadir limped in for 1000, and Giuseppe re-raised him 2200 on the button. Nadir called, and they saw the flop.
Nadir was utg and checked, and Giuseppe raised to 3200. After a short pause Nadir re-raised all in with a relatively short stack, for approximately 30,000. Giuseppe called, showing his pocket kings.
Giuseppe was comfortably in control for all of two seconds, until the turn was dealt a queen, giving Nadir two pairs. Luckily for Giuseppe, the river was a very friendly 10, giving him a higher two pairs and squeezing Nadir out of the tournament just under the wire.