As we made the rounds we noticed a nice showdown brewing on table 82 between Michael Ma in seat 9 and Ian Tang in seat 1. When we joined the hand the flop had just been dealt
, and there was 800 in the pot.
The table checked, and the turn came down a , at which point Michael led out with a bet of 1,000. He was called by Ian heads up. The river was a
, and Michael made a 3,700 bet, larger than the pot. Ian took a full five minutes to decide, but the wait was worth it.
He called and Michael emphatically exposed his
. He had either been chasing a flush or trying to connect his straight, neither of which occured. Ian had made an excellent call, exposing his own cards even more emphatically, slapping down his
with a big smaile, having won the hand with only a pair of 9’s.