Table 93 has also had a lot of friendly conversation throughout the night. In the hand we just witnessed we saw table neighbors Rotem Chen and Raphael Duval (sitting in seats 2 and 3) face off in a heads up battle. When we arrived at the hand, however, the flop had already been dealt
, there were 11,000 chips in the pot, and 4 players in the hand.
Rotem checked utg and Raphael bet 4,200, chasing the other two players from the table. Rotem check-raised to 11,500, however. After a short period of contemplation, Raphael called. The turn was dealt, a .
With a pained look on his face, Rotem thought for at least two minutes, then shoved all in. He was insta-called by Raphael, who threw down his
, top two pair. The river was a
If his look was any indication, Rotem’s intuition was right and his two pairs were not good enough, nor was the all in enough to scare Raphael away from the pot.
Rotem’s night was over, as he was only holding a lower two pair,
, and Raphael will be well-placed to go into Day 2 – if he can hold on to his chips for one final level.