The last hand saw a large amount of preflop action split amongst five players. Eventually it led to two all ins and a player busting from the tournament.
Bao Phu opened with a raise of 2,700, which was called by the players to his left, Richard Book and Ian Modder. To Modder’s left was Greg Mccann, who raised again, this time to 5,000. The 5,000 was called by yet another player, Kyle Janisse in seat 9.
All this action was a warning to our original raiser, Bao Phu in seat 3, who folded. However, 5,000 was just fine for Richard Book, to Boa’s left, who had been content to call so far all night. Not to be outdone, Ian Modder re-raised the re-raise, shoving all in for his remaining stack of 27,100.
This was finally too much for Greg Mccann, who realized he might have bitten off more than he could chew on this hand and folded. Kyle Janisse, realizing that Richard was still in the hand, also shoved all in, but for much more, for 66,000. His shove was effective, asRichard let it go. Now it was heads up between Kyle and Ian.
The board was dealt
, and Ian’s Jack-Ten suited was cracked by Kyle’s Aces.