At table 27 Tony Tran won a relatively nice pot just now, pushing out his competitors with some aggressive play, and also relying on the pressure from the time clock.
Tony opened with a raise of 23,000, which was called by Steven Martin, Michael Ferrer and Christopher Rivard. 100,000+ chips were in the pot already.
After two checks by Michael and Christopher, Tony opened again with a bet of 38,000. He was called by Steven, and the other two folded. The turn was a .
With three hearts on the board, Tony now raised to 78,000, about half the size of the pot. After a long wait (and the use of one or two of his 30 second time chits, Steven was forced to fold. Tony was a gentleman about it, however, and showed his
. “What can I do? I didn’t have the hearts!” said Steve.