Mid-way through level 8 the action continues in today’s DeepStacks Day 1B. The field is slowly growing, now up to 73 entrants since the beginning of Day 1B, which started at 6pm.
Over at table 71 there were no cards on the table, but as we walked by the tension was in the air. Upon closer inspection, it appeared that a large showdown was brewing.
Khalid Popal had opened with a raise of 1,800, which was re-raised to 7,500 by the player next to him, Qi Hu. As the other players at the table folded, the action eventually found its way to Chen Turjeman. He three-bet up to 18,800, which pushed Khalid out of the hand and fast.
Qi thought about it for a minute or two, not sure of where he stood. He asked Chen for a chip count, but Chen assured him that Qi had him covered. That was true. Qi appeared to have at least triple, if not quadruple the number of chips Chen currently had. Qi tried in vain to get a clue from Chen, but nothing was reflected in Chen’s glasses but an impassive stare and the reflection of the growing pile of chips in the middle.
And although the call wouldn’t have put much of a dent in Qi’s large stack, he decided to fold anyway, not willing to get caught up in a hand he didn’t have enough confidence in. Patience is the key in these multi-day tournaments, and Qi has it in spades (no pun intended). Indeed, we didn’t find out what he folded. Chen was happy to flip over his pocket
however, and raked in the chips.