Action is heating up!

Action has all of a sudden heated up considerably – in the three hands since Normand busted there have been two all-ins that have been called, and in both cases the smaller stack has doubled. First it was Peter Badel’s turn to double and then Dimitri Feoktistovs.

Down to 7

Normand Gauthier is out in 8th place for $4500.

Playing from late position Norm open shoved and Philippe Plouffe, immediately to his left, shoved over the top. Everyone else folded and card were turned on their backs.

Normand held King of Spades Queen of Hearts and Philippe flipped over Jack of Diamonds Jack of Clubs. The board ran out 6 of Diamonds Ace of Spades 6 of Spades for no help to Normand, nor did the turn 3 of Spades or river 9 of Hearts offer any assistance.

8th place: Normand Gauthier, $4500

8th place: Normand Gauthier, $4500


The remaining 8 players are on a 15 minute break and the yellow 1K chips are being coloured up and raced off. When players return blinds will be 30K/60K/a5K.

Testing the waters

There have been two players who have left already but otherwise players are very much testing one another out and trying to find the rhythm of the table.

A hand just occurred between Normand and Thanh which is representative of a lot of the action so far.

Normand (UTG +1) min-raises to 100K, it folds around to Thanh on the small blind who calls. The big blind gets out of the way and the flop is dealt. The flop is 4 of Clubs 4 of Diamonds 5 of Diamonds. Thanh checks and Normand checks behind. The turn comes Ace of Spades, and both players check. The river is the Jack of Diamonds. Thanh checks once again and Normand shoves – getting a snap fold from Thanh.

Player(s) down!

We have our first two players down on the final table.

First, Christian Soucy raised all-in holding Ace of Spades 3 of Clubs and was quickly called by Allan Puzantian, who had Ace of Hearts 10 of Hearts. The board ran out 6 of Clubs 9 of Spades Queen of Hearts Queen of Diamonds King of Clubs to give no help to Christian who leaves in 10th place ($3000).

10th place: Christian Soucy, $3000

10th place: Christian Soucy, $3000

Just a few minutes later Andrew Graham got it in holding Ace of Diamonds Jack of Hearts and was snap called by Thanh, who had King of Diamonds King of Clubs. Again the board gave no help to the small-stacked player and Andrew is out in 9th place ($3600).

9th place: Andrew Graham, $3600

9th place: Andrew Graham, $3600

Cards are in the air!

And they’re off. Blinds are 20K/40K/a4K and there are 8 minutes left in this level. The average chip count is 1.1M.

The players are taking their seats

The players are getting organized at their seats for the final table, chips have been unbagged and re-stacked, and we’ll be underway in a few minutes.

Here is the seating for the final table, from Seat 1 to 10:

  • Dimitri Feoktistovs
  • Normand Gauthier
  • Philippe Plouffe
  • Christian Soucy
  • Allan Puzantian
  • Peter Badel
  • Nicolas Aubin
  • Thanh Phong Trieu
  • Gabriel Alarie
  • Andrew Graham

20 Minutes…

Just 20 minutes remain before the final table of Playground Poker Spring Classic’s Event 2, $500 + $50 No Limit Hold’em Deepstack gets underway on the feature table here at Playground Poker Club. The players’ chip bags are on the table up on stage and dealers are getting in place ready to welcome the players, who should be joining us any minute.

Good luck to each of the 10 players who remain in the tournament!

Event 2 – Day 3 Seating Assignments and Chip Counts

Day 2 of Event 2 saw the field go from 91 players to 10, who will return at 7pm tomorrow to play out the final table. There is still $157,715.00 to be distributed among the final 10, including $50,000.00 for first place, so there’s still a lot to be decided.

First Name Last Name Seat Chip Count
Allan Puzantian Feature Table – Seat 5 1760000
Andrew Graham Feature Table – Seat 10 460000
Christian Soucy Feature Table – Seat 4 395000
Dimitri Feoktistovs Feature Table – Seat 1 1145000
Gabriel Alarie Feature Table – Seat 9 1525000
Nicolas Aubin Feature Table – Seat 7 964000
Normand Gauthier Feature Table – Seat 2 617000
Peter Badel Feature Table – Seat 6 509000
Philippe Plouffe Feature Table – Seat 3 1242000
Thanh Phong Trieu Feature Table – Seat 8 2337000

We have a final table

And with the 11th place player to bust, we have a final table. The tournament has been playing 9-handed throughout Day 2, so that means the FT starts at 10 players who will return for Day 3 tomorrow evening at 7pm.

Chip counts and seat assignments coming in a little while.