Poker is a game of thousands of unique situations and a million not-so-unique situations. The challenge for most of the players now is not terribly unique – how to play when one of the players is a massive chip leader – but it is a big challenge.
Amir currently has just a shade under half of the total chips in play (over 11M), and although Barry is reasonably healthy at around 5.4M the other three players are pretty short at the moment. The challenge for one of the short stacks is that although you may feel that Amir is playing a pretty wide range of starting hands and using his stack to his benefit – there’s not necessarily a lot you can do about it. Any pot you play with the big stack becomes an existential battle.
There’s not a lot of comfort playing with the smaller stacks though, because their range (especially considering the relative experience of the players) is likely to be pretty snug – and they, like you, are always looking for a double up no matter where it comes from.
All of this comes together to make for a fascinating Final Table.