Bubble time

Players are on the bubble with 46 runners still remaining in Level 20 of Event 2. Between the first break and now action has continued at a quick pace – we’ll see soon if this is destined to be a long or a short bubble.

The bubble-plus-one hand was one of those hands that is arguably more rare on the bubble, but often unavoidable regardless of where the tournament is at the moment.

Blinds were 5K/10K/a1K and the player in the cutoff makes a big preflop raise to about 5x the big blind. The player in the BB – local player Costa Psallidas – had just made a big fold to the same player a few hands previous, but looks down at Jack of Clubs Jack of Spades and shoves. Jeremy Smith in seat 3 snap calls and flips over Ace of Spades Ace of Diamonds and Costa was in dire shape. The board ran out 4 of Spades King of Diamonds 8 of Spades and the Ace of Hearts on the turn spelled the end of Costa’s day. The river was a blank 6 of Diamonds.