Day 2, Break 1

Players are on their first break of the day. When they return blinds will be 3K/6K/a500. There are 32 players left after Michael Mellor was eliminated immediately before the break. David Ormsby raised preflop and there was a re-raise from Jason Duval. Michael then shoved about 100K total. The blinds both folded but the original raiser went all-in as well and Jason folded. David turned over Ace of Diamonds Ace of Spades and Michael turned over Queen of Hearts Queen of Spades. The flop – 10 of Hearts 10 of Clubs 4 of Hearts – gave little help to Michael, but the turn 2 of Hearts added some outs although with only the river left to come. No miracle came when the Ace of Clubs came out. Michael left the tournament in 33rd place.

Ormsby eliminates Mellor

Ormsby eliminates Mellor