Event 9 finished with 19 players remaining who will return to play in Day 2 at 7:30pm this evening. The seat draw is not available at this time but players will be given their assignments when they arrive in the Tournament Hall. The following table lists the chip counts for the remaining 19 players.
First Name | Last Name | Chip Count |
Andrew | Helleur | 262000 |
Clark | McKay | 50000 |
Claude | Boulet | 101000 |
Douglas | Mcginnis | 56500 |
Francis | Lamothe | 138500 |
Jaspal | Brar | 102500 |
Jiachen | Gong | 206000 |
Joey | Boczek | 39000 |
Jonathan | Barette | 216500 |
Joseph | Hanna | 97000 |
Michael | Aflalo | 155000 |
Olivier | Courcelles | 172500 |
Ryan | Smith | 142000 |
Stephen | Rabin | 75000 |
Steve | Kyle | 214000 |
Tommy | Vedes | 207000 |
TTA | X | 130000 |
Tyler | Mckendry | 251500 |
Vincent | Lam | 30000 |