Big double up for Steve Pouliot

  • Level: 33
  • Small Blind: 100K
  • Big Blind: 200K
  • Ante: 25K
  • Chip Average: 6M
  • Remaining: 5
  • Entries: 1492

  • Shawn Martell placed a raise preflop to 475K, and Steve Pouliot made the call from the button. The blinds folded and they were heads-up to the flop, which showed 4 of Diamonds 3 of Spades 7 of Diamonds. Shawn, first to act, announced he was all-in, and before his sentence was over, Steve had already called and tabled King of Hearts King of Spades. Shawn and his 10 of Spades 10 of Clubs needed some help, but the turn King of Clubs sealed the deal for Steve. The meaningless river was a 7 of Hearts. Steve is now holding roughly 7M.

    Daniel Charette doubles twice

    Daniel Charette is continuing his improbable run, as he just doubled up twice in the last few hands.

    In both hands, Steve open-shoved from the small blind preflop. The first time around, Daniel’s Jack of Hearts 10 of Diamonds won against Steve’s 5 of Clubs 6 of Diamonds on a 8 of Clubs 3 of Spades 10 of Clubs 8 of Hearts 2 of Spades board. The second time around, it was Daniel’s Ace of Hearts Queen of Diamonds that prevailed over Steve’s Queen of Hearts Jack of Spades on a 7 of Spades Ace of Diamonds 5 of Clubs 4 of Spades Jack of Clubs board.

    After the second double up, Daniel was holding 12.6M in chips, while Steve had 17.3M. They decided to strike a deal at that point, taking $28,684 each, and leaving an  extra $3,500 as well as the Playground Poker Spring Classic bracelet.

    Good luck!

    Updated chip counts of Event 1

  • Level: 32
  • Small Blind: 75K
  • Big Blind: 150K
  • Ante: 25K
  • Chip Average: 4.3M
  • Remaining: 7
  • Entries: 1492

  • Here is an update on the chip counts of the final table of Event 1, which is now returning from break:

    • Seat 1. Kevin Blais – 2.5M
    • Seat 2. Raffi Garabetian – 6.3M
    • Seat 3. Daniel Charette – 6.3M
    • Seat 4. Tony Stratopoulos – 2.6M
    • Seat 6. Shawn Martell – 7.5M
    • Seat 7. Steve Pouliot – 2.4M
    • Seat 9. Derek Boucher – 1.9M

    Kevin Blais stays alive

  • Level: 32
  • Small Blind: 75K
  • Big Blind: 150K
  • Ante: 25K
  • Chip Average: 4.3M
  • Remaining: 7
  • Entries: 1492

  • After knocking out Mathieu one hand, then open-shoving the next hand on Derek Boucher’s big blind, Steve Pouliot found himself going all-in preflop for a third hand in a row. This time it was on Kevin’s big blind, who with a stack of around 1.1M, made the call and tabled King of Spades Queen of Diamonds. He was behind Steve’s Ace of Hearts 8 of Hearts, but flopped two pairs for the win on a Queen of Clubs 4 of Hearts King of Diamonds 5 of Diamonds 2 of Clubs board. Kevin now has around 2.5M in chips.

    9th Place: Michael Malm

  • Level: 31
  • Small Blind: 60K
  • Big Blind: 120K
  • Ante: 20K
  • Chip Average: 3.7M
  • Remaining: 8
  • Entries: 1492

  • WSOP bracelet winner Michael Malm has just been eliminated from the final table. He placed a raise from middle position to 370K, and Raffi Garabetian 3-bet shoved from the button. Michael made the quick call with his 2.2M chipstack, and found himself way ahead with his King of Clubs King of Diamonds versus Raffi’s Ace of Diamonds Queen of Spades. The flop was clean for the kings, showing Jack of Clubs 8 of Hearts 2 of Clubs, but the Ace of Hearts on the turn gave Raffi a huge lead. The river 10 of Hearts changed nothing, and Michael was eliminated, earning $2,695 for his 9th place finish. Raffi now has just over 6M in chips.

    9th place: Michael Malm, $2,695

    Micahel Malm

    8th Place: Mathieu Fournier Gamelin

  • Level: 32
  • Small Blind: 75K
  • Big Blind: 150K
  • Ante: 25K
  • Chip Average: 4.3M
  • Remaining: 7
  • Entries: 1492

  • When preflop action folded around to Steve Pouliot in the small blind, he looked over at Mathieu Fournier Gamelin in the big blind, and moved his 2.5M chip stack into the middle. Mathieu, who only had around 1M, made the call.

    Steve Pouliot: Ace of Hearts 7 of Hearts

    Mathieu Fournier Gamelin: Ace of Spades Queen of Diamonds

    Mathieu was far ahead all the way to the river, with the first four community cards showing 5 of Clubs 3 of Spades 4 of Diamonds Jack of Diamonds, but the river 7 of Clubs paired Steve, giving him the win in this battle of the blinds. Mathieu will take home $3,650 for his run.

    8th place: Mathieu Fournier Gamelin, $3,650

    Mathieur Fournier Gamelin

    10th Place: Gaston Dumas

  • Level: 31
  • Small Blind: 60K
  • Big Blind: 120K
  • Ante: 20K
  • Chip Average: 3.3M
  • Remaining: 9
  • Entries: 1492

  • With the blinds at 60K/120K/a20K, we saw Kevin Blais open the pot preflop from middle position to 300K, and Gaston Dumas flat call from the button. Shawn Martell then slipped in a raise to 810K from the small blind, which was enough to make Kevin fold. Gaston thought about it for a minute before competing the call, and they went heads-up to the 4 of Spades Jack of Diamonds 8 of Spades flop. Shawn placed a continuation bet of 1M chips, and Gaston announced he was all-in for a few hundred thousand more. Shawn made the call, and they turned over their cards.

    Shawn Martell: 10 of Hearts 10 of Diamonds for a pair of tens
    Gaston Dumas: Ace of Spades 10 of Spades for a flush draw

    The turn and river, readind 4 of Clubs and 4 of Hearts, were blanks, and Shawn won the hand and eliminated Gaston. Shawn is now holding just over 7M in chips.

    10th place: Gaston Dumas, $1,990

    Gaston Dumas

    Event 1- Final Table is set!

  • Level: 31
  • Small Blind: 60K
  • Big Blind: 120K
  • Ante: 20K
  • Chip Average: 3M
  • Remaining: 10
  • Entries: 1492

  • We have reached the final table of 10 players in Event 1 of the Playground Poker Spring Classic, and the first hand is being dealt as we speak!

    Here is an approximation of the chips counts:

    • Seat 1. Kevin Blais – 2.8M
    • Seat 2. Raffi Garabetian – 5M
    • Seat 3. Daniel Charette – 6.8M
    • Seat 4. Tony Stratopoulos – 2.9M
    • Seat 5. Gaston Dumas – 3M
    • Seat 6. Shawn Martell – 3.7M
    • Seat 7. Steve Pouliot – 1.9M
    • Seat 8. Mathieu Fournier Gamelin – 1.15M
    • Seat 9. Derek Boucher – 1.35M
    • Seat 10. Michael Malm – 1.75M

    Best of luck gentlemen!

    Some more eliminations in Event 1

  • Level: 31
  • Small Blind: 60K
  • Big Blind: 120K
  • Ante: 20K
  • Chip Average: 2.7M
  • Remaining: 11
  • Entries: 1492

  • We are approaching our final table of Event 1, as a few more players have recently been eliminated.

    George Karoubalis was sent to the rail in 14th place, earning $1,680 for his deep run in this first event of the Playground Poker Spring Classic.

    14th place: George Karoubalis, $1,680

    George Karoubalis

    Daniel Charette, who we are thinking of renaming ‘the Bulldozer’, has just cleaned out Chad Beecraft in two hands. In the final hand, Chad pushed his remaining short stack into the middle with Ace of Spades 9 of Clubs, but couldn’t overcome Daniel’s 4 of Hearts 4 of Clubs on a Jack of Clubs 10 of Spades Queen of Diamonds 5 of Clubs 6 of Hearts board, and was eliminated in 13th place. Daniel is now sitting on over 7M in chips!

    13th place: Chad Beecraft, $1,680

    Chad Beecraft


    The next player to be eliminated was Chulsoo Park, when his all-in preflop was called by Shawn Martell. Chulsoo showed down 10 of Diamonds 6 of Diamonds, and was going to need help to beat the 9 of Clubs 9 of Hearts of Shawn, however the board of 2 of Clubs 3 of Diamonds 7 of Spades King of Hearts 7 of Hearts was of no help.

    12th place: Chulsoo Park, $1,980

    Chulsoo Park


    Mathieu Boucher just bubbled the final table of ten players, when his all-in preflop with Ace of Hearts Jack of Diamonds was called by Raffi Garebetian and his King of Hearts King of Diamonds. The flop gave little hope to Mathieu, as Raffi’s kings flopped a full house on a 7 of Diamonds 7 of Hearts King of Clubs 5 of Spades 8 of Diamonds board.

    11th place: Mathieur Boucher, $1,980

    Mathieu Boucher


    From 5K to chip lead

  • Level: 30
  • Small Blind: 50K
  • Big Blind: 100K
  • Ante: 10K
  • Chip Average: 2.3M
  • Remaining: 13
  • Entries: 1492

  • Daniel Charette’s good run is continuing here on Day 3 of Event 1. In Day 2, when the blinds were 20K/40K/a5K, it all seemed over for Daniel, when he was crippled down to one ante of 5K. But somehow he managed to rebuild and rebuild, and rebuild again! At the end of the day, he bagged and tagged 2.68M! And he just ran that stack up again, this time to well over 5.5M, after getting all his chips in the pot with King of Clubs King of Hearts on a 10 of Diamonds Jack of Diamonds 7 of Hearts board. He was up against the Queen of Clubs Queen of Hearts of Steve Pouliot, and ended up making a straight with the running 9 of Spades and Queen of Spades (while Steve made a set!).

    As they say, all you need is a chip and a chair! From 5K to 5.5M, and maybe even more!