Event 2 Champion: Michael Hunter!

After a relatively short heads-up battle, Michael Hunter managed to overcome Alexandre Borra to take home the title of Event 2 Champion, as well as a cool $2,325 in cash, and of course the Playground Poker Spring Classic bracelet!

In the final hand of play, we saw Alexandre go all-in first to act preflop with Queen of Diamonds 10 of Diamonds, and get snap called by Michael and his Jack of Diamonds Jack of Hearts. The board ran out 9 of Diamonds 3 of Hearts 5 of Clubs Jack of Clubs Ace of Diamonds, and Alexandre was eliminated in 2nd place, collecting $1,570 for his finish.

Congratulations Michael Hunter!

Event 2 Champion: Michael Hunter, $2,325

Event 2 Champion: Michael HunterEvent 2 Champion: Michael Hunter

2nd place: Alexandre Borra, $1,570

Alexandre BorraThe Heads-Up Battle

Final hand of heads-up

Final Hand of Event 2

3rd Place: Jonathan Dsouza

  • Level: 26
  • Small Blind: 25K
  • Big Blind: 50K
  • Ante: 5K
  • Chip Average: 1M
  • Remaining: 2
  • Entries: 100

  • Jonathan Dsouza pushed his remaining chips in from the small blind with the hope of stealing Michael’s big blind, but instead was called and found himself in some trouble. Jonathan showed Queen of Diamonds 2 of Clubs, and was calling out for a deuce once he saw he was up against the King of Diamonds Queen of Spades of Michael.

    The board was of no help though, showing Jack of Diamonds 3 of Hearts 4 of Spades 3 of Diamonds 6 of Clubs, and Michael collected to pot to add to his chip lead.

    Just like that, we are heads up in Event 2, with Michael Hunter holding a 2-1 lead over Alexandre Borra.

    3rd place: Jonathan Dsouza, $1,570

    Jonathan Dsouza

    4th Place: Douglas Mcqueer

  • Level: 25
  • Small Blind: 20K
  • Big Blind: 40K
  • Ante: 4K
  • Chip Average: 666.7K
  • Remaining: 3
  • Entries: 100

  • On a board of 8 of Spades 3 of Spades 2 of Diamonds, Douglas Mcqueer went all-in with 9 of Spades 9 of Hearts, and was called by the 10 of Clubs 10 of Hearts of Michael Hunter. The turn gave Douglas a little hope, showing a 5 of Spades, but the Queen of Hearts river awarded the pot to Michael, who now has a commanding lead of the final 3, holding nearly 75% of the chips in play.

    4th place: Douglas Mcqueer, $1,570

    Douglas Mcqueer

    5th Place: Benjamin Porter

  • Level: 24
  • Small Blind: 15K
  • Big Blind: 30K
  • Ante: 3K
  • Chip Average: 500K
  • Remaining: 4
  • Entries: 100

  • After the agreement was made, and with the ever rising blinds, play has opened up quite a bit on this final table of Event 2. Benjamin Porter was recently eliminated, after he called Jonathan Dsouza’s all-in from the button. Benjamin turned over Ace of Diamonds King of Diamonds, and was far ahead of Jonathan’s Jack of Clubs 6 of Diamonds, but the flop of 2 of Hearts 4 of Spades 6 of Clubs paired Jonathan’s hand, and the Queen of Clubs 8 of Hearts runners didn’t change anything.

    5th place: Benjamin Porter, $1,570.

    6th Place: Dominic Dufour

  • Level: 24
  • Small Blind: 15K
  • Big Blind: 30K
  • Ante: 3K
  • Chip Average: 400K
  • Remaining: 5
  • Entries: 100

  • Dominic Dufour found himself all-in on a 4 of Clubs 2 of Hearts 5 of Hearts flop with Queen of Hearts 5 of Spades, but was up against Michael Hunter’s Ace of Hearts Ace of Diamonds. The turn and river 10 of Spades King of Spades favoured the aces, and Dominic was sent towards the cashier to collect his earnings.

    6th place: Dominic Dufour, $1,570.

    Dominic Dufour

    7th Place: Justin Leeson

  • Level: 23
  • Small Blind: 12K
  • Big Blind: 24K
  • Ante: 2K
  • Chip Average: 333.3K
  • Remaining: 6
  • Entries: 100

  • Justin Leeson was just eliminated out of Event 2, in what turned out to be a very interesting hand. After Benjamin Porter had opened the pot from middle position and gotten called by Michael Hunter from the small blind, Justin Leeson pushed his remaining 136K into the middle. Benjamin called the difference, but before Michael had acted, Ben tabled his Queen of Spades 10 of Spades hand. Michael went ahead and completed the bet as well.

    They both checked the flop ( Queen of Hearts 4 of Spades 3 of Clubs ) and turn ( King of Diamonds ), but when the King of Clubs hit the river, Michael put out a bet of 100K, saying ‘this game is easy when you know what your opponent has’. Benjamin looked disgusted, but made the fold anyway, and Michael tabled Ace of Spades Queen of Clubs, which was good enough to eliminate Justin.

    7th place: Justin Leeson, $1,570

    Justin Leeson


    Shootout update

  • Level: 20
  • Small Blind: 6K
  • Big Blind: 12K
  • Ante: 1K
  • Chip Average: 285.7K
  • Remaining: 7
  • Entries: 100

  • The final table of the Shootout, Event 2 of the Playground Poker Spring Classic, is now on break, with 7 players remaining.

    Here are their approximate chip counts:

    • Seat 1 – Dominic Dufour – 210K
    • Seat 2 – Michael Hunter – 535K
    • Seat 3 – Justin Leeson – 80K
    • Seat 4 – Alexandre Borra – 310K
    • Seat 5 – Jonathan Dsouza – 195K
    • Seat 8 – Benjamin Porter – 440K
    • Seat 9 – Douglas Mcqueer – 210K

    8th Place: Charle-Alexandre Bergeron

  • Level: 18
  • Small Blind: 4K
  • Big Blind: 8K
  • Ante: 500
  • Chip Average: 285.7K
  • Remaining: 7
  • Entries: 100

  • Benjamin Porter is on a roll here on the final table of Event 2, as he has just knocked out another opponent. This time it was Charle-Alexandre Bergeron who watched his stack get shipped over to Benjamin, but at least he won’t be going home empty handed, collecting $550 for his 8th place finish. Benjamin has climbed to just over 400K with that pot.

    8th place: Charle-Alexandre Bergeron, $550

    Charle-Alexandre Bergeron

    A Deal has been made in the Shootout

    The 7 remaining players have come to an agreement at this final table of Event 2, where everyone will collect $1,570 each, and the eventual winner will take an additional $755 and a Playground Poker Spring Classic bracelet.

    Final two tables of Event 1

  • Level: 28
  • Small Blind: 30K
  • Big Blind: 60K
  • Ante: 10K
  • Chip Average: 1.8M
  • Remaining: 17
  • Entries: 1492

  • We are down to only two tables left in Event 1, and a seating redraw has been done.

    Table 54

    • Seat 1: Yannick Lamarre-Delooz
    • Seat 2: Mathieu Boucher
    • Seat 3: Gaston Dumas
    • Seat 4: Mathieu Fournier Gamelin
    • Seat 5: Chulsoo Park
    • Seat 6: Ramzi Karam
    • Seat 7: George Karoubalis
    • Seat 8: Daniel Charette
    • Seat 9: Kevin Blais

    Table 60

    • Seat 1: Michael Malm
    • Seat 2: Derek Boucher
    • Seat 3: Chad Beecraft
    • Seat 4: Nicolas Malo Majeau
    • Seat 5: Tony Stratopoulos
    • Seat 6: Raffi Garabetian
    • Seat 7: (empty)
    • Seat 8: Shawn Martell
    • Seat 9: Steve Pouliot

    Day 2 will come to a conclusion when either we have reached our final table of 10 players, or we have played through to the end of level 29, which is in roughly 40 minutes from now.