Breaching the 100K mark

  • Level: 9
  • Small Blind: 400
  • Big Blind: 800
  • Ante: 100
  • Chip Average: 35.9K
  • Remaining: 154
  • Entries: 221

  • Event 4 is coming back from break after 8 levels of play, and two players have already managed to breach the 100K mark: Melissa Cummings and Jonathan Theriault are both holding roughly 105K each to lead the field for the time being. Not far behind is Jeff Cote, who has 96K, and there are a number of players with stack sizes in the 80K-90K range.

    Play is about to resume in level 9, where the blinds will be 400/800/a100. The event will go on break until tomorrow upon the completion of the next 5 levels.


    Nearing second break

  • Level: 8
  • Small Blind: 300
  • Big Blind: 600
  • Ante: 75
  • Chip Average: 35.6K
  • Remaining: 155
  • Entries: 221

  • The second break is just around the corner here in Event 4, and the 221 player field has been reduced to 155 players.

    Here are a few photos from the last two levels:

    First break

  • Level: 5
  • Small Blind: 150
  • Big Blind: 300
  • Ante: 50
  • Chip Average: 27.4K
  • Remaining: 202
  • Entries: 221

  • Players in Event 4 coming off a short 10-minute break after having played 4 of the 13 levels scheduled to be played out today. A total of 221 players have registered in todays Event, and a few of them have already jumped to an early lead.

    Here are some players who have chipped up nicely in these first few levels:

    • Melissa Cummings – 71K
    • Stephen Hardy – 64K
    • Yannick Lamarre-Delooz – 61K
    • Pierre Guitard – 53K

    Some early action photos

  • Level: 3
  • Small Blind: 75
  • Big Blind: 150
  • Ante: 25
  • Chip Average: 25.8K
  • Remaining: 184
  • Entries: 190

  • The first two levels have come and go here in Day 1 of Event 4, and attendance has climbed up to 190 entries. Players still have just over an hour left to enter the tournament, with late registration set the close around 2:15pm.

    Here are a few photos from these early levels of play:

    Event 4 only minutes away!

    Event 4 of the Playground Poker Spring Classic is set to start in a few short minutes, and players are beginning to take their seats here in the tournament hall. This event is a $500 + $50 No Limit Hold’em tournament that will be played over 3 days, with 13 levels of 30 minutes scheduled for today’s Day 1.

    With this being the biggest buy-in of the series so far, as well as with the WPT Main Event only 2 days away, we should expect to see some bigger names from the poker world start to make their appearance here at the Spring Classic.

    So far 122 players have already registered, and the registration period will remain open until the end of the first break, which will be after level 4, roughly 2:15pm.

    Good luck to our players here in Event 4!

    Event 1 Champion: Steve Pouliot!

    The first event of the Playground Poker Spring Classic 2014 has just crowned a champion! Steve Pouliot, who had a big lead on the field for most of the second half of Day 3, has managed to eliminate Daniel Charette in 2nd place and take home the victory, the $32,184 cash prize, and the Playground Poker Spring Classic champion’s bracelet!

    After Daniel had made a comeback heads-up by doubling up twice to nearly even the stacks, he found himself all-in preflop yet again with the better hand. However this time his Queen of Diamonds Queen of Spades couldn’t hold up against Steve’s 4 of Hearts 4 of Clubs, as the fours made a runner-runner straight on a 6 of Diamonds 6 of Clubs 5 of Clubs 2 of Hearts 3 of Clubs board.

    Daniel still walked away with a nice $28,684 prize, as the players had made an agreement to split the money evenly, leaving an extra $3,500 and the bracelet to the eventual winner (which was one of the terms of this event).

    Congratulations Steve Pouliot!

    Event 1 Champion: Steve Pouliot, $32,184

    Event 1 Champion: Steve PouliotEvent 1 Champion: Steve PouliotEvent 1 Champion: Steve Pouliot and his Rail

    2nd place: Daniel Charette, $28,684

    Daniel CharetteThe Heads-Up Match

    Final hand of Event 1

    Final Hand of Event 1

    3rd Place: Raffi Garabetian

  • Level: 35
  • Small Blind: 150K
  • Big Blind: 300K
  • Ante: 50K
  • Chip Average: 14.9M
  • Remaining: 2
  • Entries: 1492

  • With the 1492 player field down to just 3 remaining, Raffi Garabetian moved all-in from the button preflop for just over 4.8M, and was called by Steve Pouliot from the big blind.

    Raffi: Ace of Clubs 7 of Clubs
    Steve: Jack of Clubs Jack of Spades

    The board ran out 8 of Hearts 5 of Spades 3 of Spades 9 of Spades 10 of Hearts, and Steve added a few more millions to his chip lead stack, while Raffi walked over to the cash to collect his $16,860 reward.

    Play is now heads-up in this opening event, with Steve Pouliot holding around 25M out of the 30M in play. But his opponent is Daniel Charette, seems to have an infinite amount of lives!

    3rd place: Raffi Garabetian, $16,860

    Raffi Garabetian

    Event 1 final table update

  • Level: 34
  • Small Blind: 125K
  • Big Blind: 250K
  • Ante: 25K
  • Chip Average: 7.5M
  • Remaining: 4
  • Entries: 1492

  • Here is how the chips are spread out amongst the final 4 players of Event 1:

    • Seat 2. Raffi Garabetian – 5M
    • Seat 3. Daniel Charette – 4.8M
    • Seat 4. Tony Stratopoulos – 2.8M
    • Seat 7. Steve Pouliot – 17M

    5th Place: Shawn Martell

  • Level: 33
  • Small Blind: 100K
  • Big Blind: 200K
  • Ante: 25K
  • Chip Average: 7.5M
  • Remaining: 4
  • Entries: 1492

  • Steve Pouliot has been on a huge run in the last two levels, picking up one pot after another, usually uncontested. This time he was just at the right place at the right time, when Shawn Martell open-shoved his 4.6M chips stack from middle-position, and Steve quickly called from the button.

    Shawn: 5 of Hearts 5 of Spades
    Steve: King of Diamonds King of Spades

    Shawn was drawing dead by the turn, with the board showing 10 of Spades King of Hearts Queen of Hearts 4 of Diamonds 8 of Diamonds, but will go home with a nice $9,140 payday.

    Players will go on break in 3 minutes, and we will provide an update on the chip counts at that point.

    5th place: Shawn Martell, $9,140

    Shawn Martell

    Event 3 update and photos

  • Level: 10
  • Small Blind: 800
  • Big Blind: 1.6K
  • Ante: 200
  • Chip Average: 45.7K
  • Remaining: 115
  • Entries: 215

  • Event 3, a $200 + $20 6-max No Limit Hold’em tournament, is now in level 10, and nearly half the field has been eliminated.

    Here are some photos from levels 8 and 9: