We just witnessed a monster hand between two players who have been among the leaders all day and one who, while he was strong earlier in the day had recently recovered from just 10K (2 antes) to a respectable, if under average, stack.
With the button on Seat 1, Daniel Charette (the player who had made the big recovery) was in the BB. Shawn Martell in seat 6 (UTG+2) raised preflop to 150K and was quickly called by Stephan Belisle in seat 9. Action folded around to Daniel who went all-in with his 600K stack.
Shawn took some time – and spent some time staring down Stephan – before 4-betting to a cool million chips – though this was almost exactly a min-raise on the all-in. Stephan called and the dealer laid out the flop:
. As Daniel (who was already all-in) looked on, Shawn checked and Stephan quickly declared that he was all-in. Action was back on Shawn who tanked for about 45 seconds before making the call.
All three players’ cards were turned over. First was Stephan, who held
for middle set on the flop. Shawn held
for a pair and the flush draw, while Daniel had
for a better pair and a better flush draw.
The turn was an insignificant , but the river was anything BUT insignificant – the
gave both Daniel and Shawn their flush. Daniel more than tripled up to 1.9M, while Shawn took the side pot to finish the hand ahead – though not as much as he might have liked. And Stephan who flopped a monster? Eliminated in 23rd place for $1,035.