Larry Farr has been very quiet on this final table, folding most of his hands preflop. In fact, we’ve only really seen him play in two pots, but both of them ended up going his way.
He began the day with roughly 250K, and got blinded down to 120K in the first 2 levels before finally getting it in from UTG at the end of level 25. He was called by Michael Malm in the small blind, and then Michael David Yeomans moved all-in for over a million from the big blind. Michael Malm regrettably folded his hands, and Larry was heads-up with Michael Yeomans.
Michael David Yeomans:
Larry Farr:
The board of
gave Larry the win, who tripled up to over 360K.
A few more orbits went by and Larry went back to folded the majority of his hands, that is until he picked up a monster in the big blind. Jason Griffith opened the pot from the cut-off to 90K, and called Larry’s all-in from the big blind for 225K.
The queens held on the board of
, and Larry’s patience brought his stack up to a high of over 450K.