The pot that sent François Jacob to the rail was quite substantial. Vincent Trépanier limped in from the under-the-gun position, and Tam Ho also called from mid-position. François Jacob made it 200K to go from the small blind. Both his opponents called, and they went to the flop.
Jacob checked it, and so did Trépanier. When Ho bet 100K, Jacob raised it to 300K, showing a very strong line. However, Ho had found gold on the flop; he went all-in for an extra 400K effective, and Jacob completed.
François Jacob:
Tam Ho:
François Jacob walks away with $4,000, and Tam Ho becomes the leader with about 3M. That hand was technically the last hand of the night, since 14 levels have passed. However, the remaining 6 players all agreed to finish tonight, avoiding unnecessary travels.
The hand immediately after the short break, Tam Ho limped in, and Vincent Trépanier shoved 580K from the big blind. Ho called, and Trépanier’s
was no match for Ho’s
. Trépanier cashed the last of the $4,000 prizes, and pay jumps are ahead.
Congratulations to both!