9th place: Carlos Chadha

  • Level: 13
  • Small Blind: 1K
  • Big Blind: 2K
  • Ante: 300
  • Chip Average: 127.5K
  • Remaining: 8
  • Entries: 34

  • We’ve just had our first casualty on the final table of Event 4 – High Roller, as David Dong Ming Yan scooped the remainder of Carlos Chadha’s chips. Carlos was nursing a short stack all day, and even managed to double and triple up at different occasions, but on this last hand, he started behind and never caught up.

    Carlos opened to 4K from the hijack position, and was 3bet to 9K by David from the small blind. Carlos then moved his last 21K in, and was immediately called by David.

    Carlos: Ace of Diamonds 10 of Clubs

    David: 10 of Spades 10 of Diamonds

    Community cards: 8 of Spades 7 of Diamonds 4 of Diamonds Queen of Spades Jack of Diamonds

    9th place: Carlos Chadha

    Carlos Chadha

    Mandavia out; Final Table set!

  • Level: 12
  • Small Blind: 800
  • Big Blind: 1.6K
  • Ante: 200
  • Chip Average: 113.3K
  • Remaining: 9
  • Entries: 34

  • Ankush Mandavia’s fall was a two part process. It began a few hands earlier, when Ankush 3bet Danny Lauzon’s preflop min-raise up to 8K. On the flop of 10 of Spades 6 of Clubs 8 of Hearts, Danny open-shoved his 32.2K stack first to act. Ankush tanked for a few minutes before making the crying call with Ace of Diamonds 8 of Clubs, and found himself behind the King of Clubs 10 of Clubs of Danny. The turn and river were bricks (9 of Diamonds 5 of Hearts), and Ankush was left with just over 30K.

    In a later hand, Ankush opened from middle position to 3.2K, and snap called when Samuel Chartier shoved all-in from the big blind.

    Ankush: 10 of Clubs 10 of Spades

    Samuel: Ace of Clubs King of Hearts

    Samuel hit the board of 8 of Spades Ace of Spades 6 of Hearts 7 of Spades 5 of Hearts to improve over Ankush’s pair of tens, and with that last elimination, the field has dropped to the final table of 9 players.

    10th place: Ankush Mandavia

    Ankush Mandavia

    Duval flops a flush

  • Level: 12
  • Small Blind: 800
  • Big Blind: 1.6K
  • Ante: 200
  • Chip Average: 102K
  • Remaining: 10
  • Entries: 34

  • Ami Alibay opened preflop to 3.5K from under the gun, and got calls from Jason Duval, David Dong Ming Yan and Kevin MacDonald. It checked around to Jason on the flop of 8 of Diamonds Ace of Diamonds 9 of Diamonds, who led out for 6.3K. David and Kevin folded, and Ami made the call. The turn was the King of Spades, and Ami check-called Jason’s 12.1K bet. On the 9 of Clubs river, Ami checked for a third time, and Jason went all-in for his last 21.1K. Ami hesitated before making the call, and mucked his cards when he saw that Jason flopped a flush with King of Diamonds Queen of Diamonds.

    Jason Duval doubles up

    Jason Duval

    Alibay triples; Khun eliminated

  • Level: 11
  • Small Blind: 600
  • Big Blind: 1.2K
  • Ante: 200
  • Chip Average: 92.7K
  • Remaining: 11
  • Entries: 34

  • Ami Alibay just made a sneaky play that payed off big. It all started with Timothy Adams opening preflop to 2.5K from the hijack position. Ami Alibay flat called from the button, and Chanracy Khun went all-in from the small blind for 26.1K. Jason Duval announced the call from the big blind, and Timothy threw away his cards. Ami then went all-in over the top for a total of 36.2K, and after Jason made the call, they opened their hands.

    Ami: Ace of Clubs Ace of Hearts

    Chanracy: 6 of Hearts 6 of Clubs

    Jason: 9 of Clubs 9 of Diamonds

    Community cards: King of Diamonds 10 of Diamonds Queen of Clubs 3 of Clubs 2 of Hearts

    Ami ended up almost tripling up on the hand, while Chanracy was eliminated in 12th place.

    12th place: Chanracy Khun

    Chanracy Khun

    Chartier hits the river

  • Level: 11
  • Small Blind: 600
  • Big Blind: 1.2K
  • Ante: 200
  • Chip Average: 85K
  • Remaining: 12
  • Entries: 34

  • Samuel Chartier found himself all-in versus Sylvain Siebert on a flop of Jack of Spades 3 of Diamonds 9 of Hearts, but was in dire need of some help as his Ace of Diamonds Jack of Clubs was trailing the King of Spades King of Clubs of Sylvain. The turn didn’t change anything, bringing the 5 of Spades, but the river Jack of Hearts was enough to give Samuel the win, and he doubled up to just over 100K.

    Samuel Chartier (left) doubles through Sylvain Siebert (right)

    Samuel ChartierSylvain Siebert

    Chip Counts

  • Level: 11
  • Small Blind: 600
  • Big Blind: 1.2K
  • Ante: 200
  • Chip Average: 85K
  • Remaining: 12
  • Entries: 34

  • The High Roller event is now on break, and 12 players remain. The final table will begin once the field drops down to 9 players.

    Here are the current chip counts of the remaining players:

    Table 61

    1. Ankush Mandavia – 69,700
    2. empty seat
    3. Jonathan Duhamel – 83,500
    4. Carlos Chadha – 56,100
    5. empty seat
    6. Samuel Chartier – 54,900
    7. Sylvain Siebert – 101,300
    8. Danny Lauzon – 65,900

    Table 66

    1. Timothy Adams – 223,200
    2. Ami Alibay – 12,700
    3. Chanracy Khun – 28,200
    4. Jason Duval – 124,500
    5. empty seat
    6. David Dong Ming Yan – 156,600
    7. empty seat
    8. Kevin MacDonald – 42,700

    Petrangelo, Silverman both eliminated

  • Level: 10
  • Small Blind: 500
  • Big Blind: 1K
  • Ante: 100
  • Chip Average: 85K
  • Remaining: 12
  • Entries: 34

  • Two more players were eliminated out of Event 4. On Table 66, we saw Steven Silverman open preflop to 2.2K, followed by a 3bet from David Dong Ming Yan to 5.4K. It folded back around to Steven, who put in a 4bet to 13.9K, and then snap called when David announced all-in.

    Steven: Jack of Clubs Jack of Hearts

    David: 6 of Hearts 6 of Diamonds

    David flopped a set on a board of 8 of Spades 6 of Spades Queen of Spades 9 of Spades 5 of Hearts, adding almost 60K to his stack.

    14th place: Steven Silverman

    Steven Silverman

    In the same time as this happened, we saw Nicholas Petrangelo 3bet shove his last 20.5K after Ankush Mandavia opened from under the gun to 2.1K.

    Ankush: King of Diamonds King of Spades

    Nicholas: 7 of Diamonds 7 of Spades

    It was a safe board for Ankush’s kings, reading 5 of Diamonds 8 of Clubs 5 of Clubs 5 of Hearts 9 of Hearts, and Nicholas was eliminated in 13 place.

    13th place: Nicholas Petrangelo

    Nicholas Pertangelo

    There is a break scheduled in 5 minutes, and we will bring you an update on chip counts at that point.

    Guillaume Rivet hits the rail

  • Level: 9
  • Small Blind: 400
  • Big Blind: 800
  • Ante: 100
  • Chip Average: 60K
  • Remaining: 17
  • Entries: 34

  • We caught up on the turn in a hand between David Dong Ming Yan and Guillaume Rivet, and the board was showing Ace of Spades 2 of Clubs Jack of Hearts King of Diamonds. David, sitting under the gun, fired a bet of 4.5K, and was called by Guillaume Rivet on the button. The river brought the Ace of Clubs, and David check to Guillaume, who placed a bet of 8K, holding roughly 35K behind. David took a moment to think, and then announced he was all-in. Guillaume looked a little disgusted, and went into the tank for a few moments. He eventually made the call, and to his dismay, David turned over Ace of Hearts King of Spades for the nuts.

    Chip leaders bumping heads

  • Level: 9
  • Small Blind: 400
  • Big Blind: 800
  • Ante: 100
  • Chip Average: 56.7K
  • Remaining: 18
  • Entries: 34

  • The two current chip leaders of the tournament, David Dong Ming Yan and Timothy Adams, are sitting next to one another on table 70, and are getting involved in quite a few hands together.

    In the most recent hand, we saw David check-raise Timothy’s 2.8K bet to 10.3K on a flop of 8 of Clubs 2 of Hearts 10 of Spades. Timothy made the call, and on the turn King of Spades, David lead out for 14K, which was again called. The river brought the 10 of Clubs, and David placed a small bet of 10.5K, which was raised up to 48K by Timothy. David folded quickly, and Timothy won this round.

    Lawrence Greenberg loses his flip

  • Level: 9
  • Small Blind: 400
  • Big Blind: 800
  • Ante: 100
  • Chip Average: 56.7K
  • Remaining: 18
  • Entries: 34

  • Lawrence Greenberg started the day as one of the shorter stacks, and after losing a few chips in the first orbit of Day 2, he found himself all-in for his remaining 10K with 7 of Clubs 7 of Diamonds versus the Queen of Hearts Jack of Hearts of Danny Lauzon. The board ran in favour of Danny, reading 6 of Spades 10 of Diamonds Jack of Diamonds 9 of Clubs 10 of Spades, ending Lawrence’s High Roller event.

    Martin Rauss has been moved to table 70 – seat 8 – to balance the tables out.