Normand Deguire has great timing tonight. His aces got him 2 more Bounties, after holding in a 3-way pre-flop all-in.
Normand Deguire:
Vera G:
Silvio La Palerma:
Vera only had a few chips left, but La Palerma pushed about 60K to the middle after losing the pot.
Deguire was still stacking his chips when Franco Sicondolfi took a seat on his left. Sicondolfi’s stack keeps getting bigger. His last big win came after he hit a top pair and a nut flush draw with his
. At the 3-way showdown, he was in great shape against a lower kicker on the pair and a lower flush draw. He brought over 300K to Deguire’s table. Éric Leblond is also in the 300K vicinity.
We are now 3 positions away from the money.