The chips are flying in the early levels of Day 1A. The players have clearly opened up their ranges and some surprising hands are being tabled at showdown.
A hand that just played out offers a case in point: When the blinds were 200/400, moved all in before the flop on a 3-bet from the button. His relatively short stack raise drew two more all-ins over the top from Imram Ali Hussain and Nabil Nahoul. The other players at the table looked dumbfounded when they saw the hands tabled; they were expecting a cooler spot involving some big pairs and maybe big slick, but the cards told another story.
Hus sheepishly tabled his
, probably expecting to be behind in this situation. Hussain showed
, and Nahoul flipped over
. It turns out ace high was in the lead!
It was a dream board for,
, and he tripled up his stack.
The action continues in level 7, and the late registration period has just ended with 144 players in the field.