Event 14 has come to its 3rd break. 60 players are still standing out of 226. The price of poker will be 3k/6k with a 500 ante when play resumes at round 14.
Average stack is 75k. Some players are sitting comfortably with some hefty stacks.
Event 14 has come to its 3rd break. 60 players are still standing out of 226. The price of poker will be 3k/6k with a 500 ante when play resumes at round 14.
Average stack is 75k. Some players are sitting comfortably with some hefty stacks.
109 out of 226 entries remain in Event 14. Average stack is 41.5k and blinds will be 800/1,600 with a 200 ante when action starts back up after the second break.
Here are some of the chip leaders and other pics at the stage of the tournament.
Event 14 is under way with just over 210 players registered at the first break.
Here are some of the faces trying their luck in this tournament.
Day 1a has made it to Round 5. 439 out of 487 players remain. The blinds are at 150/300 with an ante of 50.
Average Stack is 33k. Here are some of the bigger stacks at this stage of the game.
A King on the River brought Event 6 to the last 2 tables.
Seat 10, second position with KK fell behind after going all-in on the Flop when Seat 4 spiked a 6 to match his pocket 6’s but stayed alive with a magical King on the River to bring the tournament to it’s final 20 players.
Shortly after, a 3 way all-in went down. 6-7 and 5-7 couldn’t connect against the big stack with AJ. That hand dropped the player count to 14 in Round 14 of the Blinds.
Event 6 has reached the third break.
30 players remain out of 118. As the staff chips up the black 100 chips, average stack is 78K and chip leader is sitting nicely with roughly 215K. Second in chips is not far behind with just over 140K.
Action starts back up with 3K/6K Blinds with 500 ante.
Voici nos gagnants de l’Évènement 5:
Les 5 joueurs restants de l’Évènement 5 ont fait un deal. Ils ont donc décidés de se partager la cagnotte en utilisant le ICM Chop et de garder 500$ et le trophée pour la première place.
Donc, après leur entente, voici l’ordre de nos gagnants:
64 out of 118 players remain at the second break. Average Stack is 36.8K.
Action starts back up with 200 ante and blinds 800/1600
Top 12 will cash in. 1st place will bring home just under $1900 and 12th will take $150.
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