Event 15: Final Payouts

These are the official results of Event 15, a $50 + $10 No Limit Hold’em Single Rebuy tournament, which was part of the 2013 Full Tilt Poker Montreal Festival. This was a one-day event held on October 3, 2013. There were 69 total entries for a prize pool of $4,171.

Rank First Name Last Name Prize
1 Alexandre Sylvestre-Bouchard $1,366
2 Claude Boulet $950
3 Jean Claude Tawil $665
4 Osman Noor $470
5 George Daoukakis $330
6 Russel Turner $230
7 Tommy Tremblay $160

Sylvestre-Bouchard wins Event 15

Congratulations to Alexandre Sylvestre Bouchard for winning Event 15 in the Full Tilt Poker Montreal Festival. He won $1,366 plus the Full Tilt trophy for his victory.


Level 9 Update and Photos

Players have just come off their second break, and are beginning level 9, where the blinds are 800/1,600/a200. There are 35 players remaining out of the 69 that entered (17 of which re-bought).

The prize pool is as follows:

Finish Prize
1 $1,366 plus the Full Tilt Poker Montreal Festival Trophy
2 $950
3 $665
4 $470
5 $330
6 $230
7 $160


A few photos:

Event 15 Info

Event #15: No Limit Hold’em Single Rebuy $50 + $10

  • 1 Day Event: Thursday October 3, 2013, 12:00pm

Download the Rules & Structure PDF for this event.