Two players were eliminated at the very end of Day 3, in a hand that was likely the biggest pot of the tournament. Michael Linster opened from mid position to 60K, and was 3-bet by Stacy Levac from the cut-off to 140K. Asadul Islam Shah then 4-bet the hand to 410K from the small blind, and finally Vineet Pahuja came over the top of all of these bets with a 5-bet shove (holding a stack of roughly 2.2M) from the big blind. Michael casually folded his hand, and Stacy and Asadul both called.
Stacy Turned over
, and was up against Asadul’s
and Vineet’s
. The board ran out
, and Vineet knocked out the two other players with his runner-runner quads.
This pot put Vineet in the chip lead of the tournament going into Day 4, holding an impressive 4.45M in chips, almost 800K more than Eric Despres runner up stack of 3.625K.
The dream is over. QQ all in pre vs AA vs AK. AK rivered quads. Finished 28/1626. #FTPMTL #Thisdoesntfeelgood
— Asadul Shah (@Koonz1530) October 1, 2013